
Presidential Showdown: Biden and Trump to Tackle Climate Challenges on Atlanta Debate Stage

Picture this: It’s June 27, and the stage is set in Atlanta for what’s shaping up to be a pivotal moment in the 2024 Presidential Election. The combatants? None other than President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. With the mercury rising and the threat of an intense hurricane season looming, CNN moderators are gearing up with a slew of climate-related questions that could make or break the candidates in the eyes of voters.

Steering Clear of the Belief Trap in Climate Discussions

Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, if you’re listening, here’s a tip: don’t even bother asking Trump and Biden whether they “believe” in climate change. We’re past beliefs; it’s time for action. Remember the GOP primary debate where Fox News moderators got the candidates to raise their hands about climate change? It turned into a circus. We don’t need a repeat of that.

Scrutinizing Presidential Records and Promises

The real meat of the debate should be dissecting the candidates’ track records and their blueprints for the future. What have they done to protect or harm our environment? How do they plan to keep our air and water clean, or are they going to gamble with our safety? And let’s keep it honest—no fibbing about the other guy’s record, tough as that may be to enforce.

Climate Change: The Potential Elephant in the Room

Now, there’s a chance that climate change might get sidelined in favor of hot topics like abortion rights, democracy’s health, and the economy from Biden’s corner, or immigration, public safety, and inflation from Trump’s playbook. That would be a missed opportunity. Some folks argue that the climate debate is already a lost cause for Democrats, with Republicans framing themselves as “anti-anti-climate change” rather than “anti-environment.” But a debate is the perfect chance to shatter that illusion.

Direct Questions for Direct Answers

Before diving into the climate questions, let’s set the ground rules: no disputing scientific facts, or the mic goes off. It might lead to a lopsided debate, but wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear genuine answers to questions like:

  • What have you done as president to safeguard our air, water, and climate for American families?
  • How would you build upon, change, or weaken the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the Inflation Reduction Act?
  • For Trump: Explain why some Republicans and business groups who want to keep parts of the IRA are wrong.
  • For Biden: How do you respond to the Sunrise Movement’s concerns about your administration’s handling of Gaza and oil drilling approvals?

The Climate Agenda and the Candidates

Let’s get down to brass tacks. Biden’s got major climate initiatives under his belt, but what’s next? Trump’s got a 920-page plan for a second term that’s raising eyebrows. Can he defend it? And what about the Paris Agreement? Trump left it once; would he do it again, even if it risks America’s security and economy?

Climate Policies and Public Safety

With record heat waves hitting hard, we need to know how these candidates will protect Americans at work and at home. Let’s talk about the risks of blackouts during heat waves and the strategies to prevent mass casualties. And don’t forget the grid—how will they ensure it’s resilient enough to handle the heat?

Investing in the Energy of Tomorrow

Should we have an Operation Warp Speed for renewable energy? Which emerging technologies would they back with government dollars? And who are the expert minds they’ll bring on board to steer the ship?

Ensuring No American Is Left Behind

The global energy transition is happening, with renewables set to dominate. How will the candidates ensure low-income Americans aren’t left in the dust? And as the auto industry shifts to electric vehicles, what policies will they push to keep America in the driver’s seat?

Dealing with Auto Industry Realities and EV Competition

Trump, will you continue to butt heads with the auto industry over policy reversals? And both of you, why keep high tariffs on Chinese EVs when we’re trying to go green fast?

Beyond Electric Vehicles: Environmental Justice and Congestion Pricing

For Biden: EVs are just one piece of the puzzle. Should more cities follow New York’s lead on congestion pricing to tackle emissions and environmental justice?

The Global Stage: US-China Relations and Climate Change

China and the U.S. are the two climate heavyweights. How will the candidates balance cooperation and competition with China in their environmental policies?

Personal Connections to America’s Natural Beauty

Finally, let’s get personal. Which wilderness spots in America do the candidates cherish, and why? It’s a chance for voters to see the human side of their environmental stances.

With climate change poised to be a defining issue in the 2024 Presidential Election, the Atlanta debate could be the moment when voters see clearly where each candidate stands. It’s not just about policy—it’s about the future of the planet and the health and safety of every American family.

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