
Impact of Elections on Climate Policy: A Look at the What-Ifs

Hey there, folks! Let’s chat about something that’s been buzzing around lately: the big “what if?” in the world of environmental law and climate policy. You see, elections can really shake things up, and there’s no better example than comparing the climate and energy policies under different administrations. So, let’s dive into a bit of a thought experiment and consider what might have been if the 2020 election results had swung the other way.

Trump’s Climate Policy Legacy

First off, let’s get our bearings on where former President Trump stood on climate issues. During his tenure, he pretty much hit the reverse button on Obama’s climate regulations, and he was all about boosting fossil fuel production. His playbook was clear: deregulate, promote traditional energy sources, and let the market do its thing.

The Biden Administration’s Climate Actions

Now, let’s switch gears and consider what President Biden has been up to since he took the helm. Biden’s been busy rolling back Trump’s rollbacks (yeah, it’s a bit of rollback inception), setting up even tougher regulations, and pushing for some hefty legislative moves. We’re talking about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act – big deals for clean transportation and energy. Oh, and let’s not forget hopping back on board the Paris Agreement train.

Trump’s Second Term: An Alternate Universe

So, what if Trump had snagged a second term? Well, for starters, all of the Biden-era climate initiatives would be in the realm of “what could have been.” Trump’s approach in his hypothetical second term would likely have been to double down on his first term’s agenda: keep the feds out of the climate action game and put the brakes on state and private efforts to go green.

Imagine California’s clean car program or the market’s lean toward renewable energy facing some serious headwinds. Trump might have also filled the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with folks who are real chummy with the fossil fuel industry. Plus, he’d probably be all about exporting fossil fuels as a national cash cow, potentially influencing other countries to ease up on their clean energy initiatives.

Escalating Fossil Fuel Promotion and Suppressing Clean Energy

In this alternate timeline, Trump would have likely gone from a passive stance on climate policy to an active crusade against clean energy. Think of it as shifting from coasting in neutral to slamming the gas pedal down for fossil fuels. And who knows? He might have even taken a swing at some more drastic measures, like trying to dismantle the EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions or pulling out of international climate agreements altogether.

Radical Moves on the Horizon?

Trump’s not known for playing it safe, so we could have seen some bold, controversial steps. Maybe he’d try to cut the EPA’s purse strings or give the boot to as many climate program staffers as possible. Withdrawing from the U.N. climate change framework would have been a bold statement, effectively ending U.S. involvement in global climate discussions.

2024: A Different Starting Point for Trump

But let’s come back to reality – Trump didn’t win in 2020. However, the thought of a 2024 comeback isn’t off the table. If that happens, he’d be starting from a different spot than if he’d won in 2020, thanks to Biden’s intervening presidency. Trump would have to spend time dismantling Biden’s legacy instead of starting fresh.

The Evolving Risks to Climate Policy

Looking ahead, the stakes for climate policy could be even higher. Trump’s hold on the GOP seems stronger than ever, and the MAGA wing in Congress has grown. Plus, Trump appears even more fired up and willing to push the envelope than before. With climate change becoming an increasingly urgent issue, any setbacks now could be especially harmful.

So, there you have it – a glimpse into an alternate reality where climate policy took a very different path. It’s a stark reminder of how much elections can influence the direction we take on critical issues like climate change. As we move forward, it’s clear that the choices we make at the ballot box have far-reaching consequences for our planet’s future.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and let’s keep the conversation going. After all, the future of our environment depends on it.

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