
App development trends you need to know about in 2022

Demand for mobile apps has continued to grow year on year.

Without a doubt, our culture is becoming increasingly reliant on mobile devices and, by consequence, mobile apps. Technology advancements also allow for the development of new solutions as well as the enhancement of existing ones.

In fact, apps account for about 90% of all time spent on mobile devices today, owing to the pandemic and all the time spent at home. There’s never been a better time to develop your own app.

Following the latest mobile app development trends might help you create a successful app that attracts users and encourages them to use it on a regular basis. More importantly, you’ll be able to develop new solutions based on your consumers’ difficulties, allowing you to better satisfy their needs.

This blog post will help you get to grips with all the trends to be aware of in 2022.

Let’s get started!



5G is a new generation of telecommunications network innovation that supports enhanced AR and VR applications, 4K and 360 video streaming, and networked IoT devices.

Not to mention that 5G will be 100 times faster than 4G in comparison. As a result, the growth of 5G will improve the functionality of mobile apps, resulting in new mobile app development trends. Developers, resellers, and producers, the way mobile apps are utilised will soon alter dramatically.



Demand for AR and VR exploded during the pandemic. But it’s not just gamers and techies that are adopting this technology.

Businesses have begun using AR and VR to better exhibit their products and services. Customers may see how a particular product, such as apparel, will look on them before purchasing it or view a property without having to be there in person. As a result, both merchants and purchasers benefit from VR and AR.



Security and data misuse have always been a major issue among app users. Fortunately, blockchain can help with these issues.


It is a growing trend since this technology allows you to establish decentralised databases. Simply said, a decentralised database does not require a single gatekeeper service provider or organisation. This technology enables apps to be more secure.


ML and AI

Mobile phones have been using AI and machine learning for facial recognition for quite some time now. It is commonly used by developers to boost user security, efficiency, and the general user experience.

Machine learning can drastically reduce the time it takes to design an app (ML). AI and machine learning, on the other hand, can eliminate errors that human programmers would have overlooked if they had employed them. A variety of existing apps, like chatbots and personalization of some aspects of the user experience, are now incorporating AI elements.

AI and machine learning will be used widely to deliver geolocation, a better gaming experience, and advanced software development to customers as a mobile app development trend in 2022.



Healthcare, eCommerce, museums, hotels, and more businesses already use beacon technology. Despite the fact that it was first released in 2013, it has only recently gained popularity. The online and real worlds can be linked in a unique way using this technology.

They can help you better understand your consumers’ behaviour by evaluating how they engage with your mobile apps in your physical businesses. Beacons will be among the most popular technologies used for mobile payments, and AI and ML tools.



E-commerce and mobile commerce are frequently confused. E-commerce, on the other hand, refers to the selling or purchase of goods and services over the internet. M-commerce, or mobile commerce, on the other hand, is merely an extension of e-commerce. Simply said, the transaction now takes place online, but specifically on a mobile device.

For the previous three years, m-commerce has been a rapidly increasing trend, and it will continue to be so in 2022. Though exacerbated by COVID, this trend is not expected to slow.



Digital wallets

Another emerging trend in m-commerce is digital wallets, which are becoming increasingly popular in the digital era, right?

Digital wallets are becoming more popular among modern consumers as a safe and quick way to make purchases. Popular uses include PayPal, GooglePay and ApplePay.

During COVID, the use of contactless payments using mobile wallets grew, and this trend is expected to continue as the number of such wallets grows. So, now more than ever, you should think about adding these popular digital wallets to your list of accepted payment methods.


Multi-Platform Apps

Isn’t it funny how we keep coming back to cross-platform development? As a reminder, cross-platform programming allows you to design apps that operate on many operating platforms without drastically altering the codebase.

Simply put, you can create apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and the web using a single codebase and a few tweaks to match the natural feel of each platform.

However, this tendency is not only accelerating, but it is also blurring the distinctions between smartphone and PC software. Apple have already shared their processor that operates iOS and macOS apps simultaneously.

Because you won’t have to develop apps for each platform independently, you’ll be able to create apps with a wider market reach and reduced costs.


Wearable apps

In 2022, wearable mobile application development will also be on the rise. Wearables are popular because they are super simple to use and can be taken anywhere.

But don’t think we’re only talking about smartwatches here. Wearable tech, is any technology that can be worn or linked to the body. Wearable electronics like smart jewellery, watches, and display devices like Apple Glass, for example, are becoming increasingly popular. Some good examples are Fitbits and smartwatches and IoTs

However, health-related applications appear to be becoming increasingly popular as part of this trend. It’s not hard to see why.

Statista research suggests that there will be 1.1 billion linked wearable gadgets in 2022. Why would you pass up this opportunity? When creating your new software, don’t forget to consider wearables and how they function!

If you plan on developing your own app for the first time, consider getting some professional advice. You can get in touch with specialist app company here: app development Scotland.

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