
Scrutinizing the Environmental Stances of Trump’s Potential VP Picks

Hey there, folks. Let’s chat about something that’s been buzzing in the news lately. We’ve got our eyes on former President Trump as he scopes out a running mate for his potential 2024 presidential bid. The buzz from NBC News is that he’s got his sights set on a quartet of politicians, each with their own take on environmental policies. We’re talking about three senators – J.D. Vance, Marco Rubio, and Tim Scott – plus one governor, Doug Burgum. Now, Trump’s known for his curveballs, so don’t bet your house on this list just yet, but given their odds, it’s worth diving into their green—or not so green—credentials. Let’s break it down, shall we?

Governor Doug Burgum: A Fossil Fuel Ally with a Carbon Neutral Vision

First up, we’ve got Doug Burgum, the head honcho of North Dakota. He’s not exactly a celeb outside his state, but within those borders, he’s a big cheerleader for the oil and gas industry. Despite his fossil fuel fandom, Burgum isn’t in the same climate change denial camp as Trump. He’s even got ambitions for North Dakota to hit carbon neutrality by 2030. Now that’s a plot twist, isn’t it?

Senator Marco Rubio: Climate Realist or Political Strategist?

Moving on to Marco Rubio. With a lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) sitting at a meager 7%, he’s not exactly Captain Planet. Rubio acknowledges that climate change is a “real problem,” but he’s not keen on cutting emissions. Instead, he’s all about adapting to the changes. What’s likely catching Trump’s eye is Rubio’s potential to charm Hispanic voters and his track record of loyalty, which, in Trump’s own words, involves a metaphorical “taking the knee.”

Senator Tim Scott: A Delicate Balance of Acknowledgment and Avoidance

Let’s talk about Tim Scott. His environmental scorecard is nearly identical to Rubio’s, hovering around 6%. Scott’s ace could be his ability to attract African American voters, especially young men who aren’t exactly rallying behind Biden. While Scott recognizes climate change, he’s pretty tight-lipped on the solution front, except for suggesting a cutback in trade with China, India, and Africa due to their environmental impacts. Some folks think Trump might be leaning more towards the other names on his shortlist, though.

J.D. Vance: The Anti-Environmental Contender

Last but not least, J.D. Vance. This guy’s the environmental antagonist of the group, with a big fat zero from the LCV. He’s not on board with subsidies for electric vehicles, arguing they’d just give China a leg up. Vance’s take? If you want a cleaner environment, bet on natural gas from Ohio. And when it comes to climate change? Well, he finds it a “complicated question.” Vance believes nuclear power and cutting ties with China are the answers for those concerned about the planet’s future.

The Fossil Fuel Consensus and the Environmental Wild Card

What’s clear is that all four of these potential VPs are buddies with the fossil fuel industry. But Burgum’s willingness to even talk about carbon neutrality puts him a notch above the rest on environmental matters. Vance, with his staunch anti-green stance, could be seen as the least environmentally friendly. Predicting Trump’s choice is like trying to guess the weather in a month, but Vance’s hardline approach might just be the ticket for him.

So there you have it, folks. As the political climate heats up with the 2024 election on the horizon, keep your eyes peeled for how these contenders’ environmental policies play out on the campaign trail. It’s going to be an interesting ride, that’s for sure.

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